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Treatment Matching is the single most important element in creating a successful plan of action for a substance dependent person seeking recovery services. Addressing on-going needs as they arise is crucial to continuing that success. 

Though knowledgeable of the vast community of treatment providers and services, Susan works independently  of any specific program or provider, allowing for an unbiased objective in placement or referral. Susan's fees are paid by clients and/or their families, never by a provider of service.


Susan Bowling is a knowledgeable and experienced advocate for the advancement of treatment alternatives to incarceration. Since 2004, she has referred several hundred people to treatment programs throughout California. Whether accompanying a client to court in person or advocating quietly behind the scenes, Susan is able to create and implement a treatment plan that adequately responds to any court or probationary requirements.


Good case management means knowing when and how to refer and provide for a person's needs as they arise. Addressing the needs for detoxification, medical and mental health conditions, medication supervision and additional support services are important factors when creating a treatment plan.

Susan’s extensive knowledge of various community providers of care and her established relationships with these facilities are invaluable resources when matching to her clients needs. Her knowledge of the issues facing an addict in recovery informs her referrals and in turn provides more opportunities for success.


Recovering from addiction can take many forms.  There is no one size fits all solution, but there are many well established tools one can use along the way. Coaching recognizes that each individual will take a different path and have different goals to aspire to. Private coaching sessions focus on the setting of specific short-term and life goals and create a continuum of care while focusing on specific ambitions for change. Private coaching is available for persons in all stages and phases of recovery.

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